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Vland Hosts Qingdao Seminar on National Standards for Enzymes in Food Industry

Time:2020-09-28    Clicks:373
On May 17, 2019, the seminar on national standardsfor enzymes in food industry was held in Qingdao. The meeting, hosted by Vland,worked as a platform for discussion on the revision of the two nationalstandards: Standards on Enzymes for Food Industry and Standards on Proteases.Wang Jie, Secretary-General of China Biotech Fermentation Industry Association,Guo Xinguang, Director of China National Research Institute of Food &Fermentation Industries, Nie Yao, Professor of School of Biotechnology,Jiangnan University, and Wang Jin, Secretary-General of Enzyme Branch of ChinaBiotech Fermentation Industry Association, attended the meeting.Representatives from more than 20 Chinese and foreign companies for enzymeproduction and application participated in the seminar.


Standards are the foundation to ensureproduct quality, and advanced standards will promote technological progress.Secretary-General Wang Jie emphasized the significance of the formulation of standardson enzymes, and proposed that the standards should be more advanced andrigorous after the amendments. Director Guo Xinguang explained the importanceof formulating more advanced and scientific standardized evaluation methods forstandards on enzymes. Chen Liangzhen, assistant president of Vland, delivered awelcome speech, and highlighted the company’s focus on product quality andstandard setting work.


On behalf of the working group, Dr. LiuMing and Engineer Chen Nannan from China National Research Institute of Food& Fermentation Industries gave an introduction to the early industryinvestigation, product regulations, technical research progress and the futurework plan. Experts and business representatives entered thorough discussions onterminology definitions, product classification, technical requirements,evaluation methods, etc., and conducted in-depth exchanges on the doubts anddifficulties in standard formulation. At the end of the conference, theattendants visited Vland’s Biotechnology Center to learn about the enterprise’swork in technological investments, talent training, product research anddevelopment, etc. They also discussed the regulations and technical issuesconcerned by the industry.
